Monday, November 26, 2012

Devan & Leah!

Gorgeous. That's really the only way to describe the most current shoot I was privileged enough to do. The day was beautiful (despite being a bit chilly!), the light was amazing, and Devan & Leah should be on the cover of a magazine. These two people are so madly in love, and it shows even when they're doing something as simple as having their photo taken. They made the shoot so laid-back and fun that it really didn't seem like work at all. Love these two!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Lindsey is one of those people you can't help but be in a good mood around. She's hilarious, and never fails to make everyone around her laugh, so this shoot was a lot of fun.:) Her graduation from college is a huge milestone in her life, and I couldn't be happier for her! Congrats Lindsey!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Recently, we've been making a new push towards finally getting my business off the ground. One of those endeavors included making a website so I actually have something to put on my business card when I make them. It's been quite an exciting journey, and I hope it continues to be!

Monday, January 23, 2012

One Year Anniversary!

We had quite the time in Pine Top this weekend celebrating our One-Year Anniversary. We stayed at the cutest little cabin, complete with adorable husband and wife hosts. On Saturday, we went to a sledding hill near Sunrise Park and spent the day there playing in the snow. I got down the hill a couple of times on a toy snowboard, but am now paying for it! I forgot how hard it is:) John had the idea of writing "One Year" in the snow with sticks, and we took a picture near it. After we were done with the snow, we visited Greer and now I'm almost positive I want to live there...
To finish off the day, we explored a bit on a road near Greer that led to a lake. We weren't expecting anything but the lake, but when we turned the corner we saw a vast meadow with the lake on one side and hills covered in pines with the clouds dancing over them in an orange color. It was gorgeous. I had to have a picture. We stopped and got out and the second we did we wanted to close the door again. The wind chill was ten times worse than it had been all day. I mean, I was getting Wisconsin flashbacks, that's how bad it was. Nevertheless, I was getting my photo. John set up the tripod while I set up the camera in the car. He volunteered to hit the shutter button to set the timer and run over to me. We grabbed our letters and after a few tries, got this:
He might be the cutest ever.